A Few BibTEX Record Examples
@ARTICLE{submonorev, serialno={43}, author={Oliveira, T.J. and Aarao Reis, F.D.A.}, title={Scaling in reversible submonolayer deposition}, journal={Phys. Rev. B}, volume={87}, year={2013}, artnum={235430}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevB.87.235430}, }
@BOOK{zhao, serialno={26}, author={Zhao, Y. and Wang, G.-C. and Lu, T.-M.}, year={2001}, booktitle={Characterization of Amorphous and Crystalline Rough Surface: Principles and Applications}, publisher={Academic Press}, city={San Diego, CA, USA}, }
@INBOOK{Huang, serialno={3}, author={Huang, D. and Li, Shuliang}, pages={42-52}, year={2018}, title={A Survey of the Current Status of Research on Quantum Games}, booktitle={Proc. of the 2018 4th Int. Conference on Information Management, ICIM2018}, orgname={IEEE, The University of Oxford}, city={UK}, }
@OTHERS{Khan2018, serialno={6}, commn={Khan, F.S. and Solmeyer, N. and Balu, R. and Humble, T., Quantum games: a review of the history, current state, and interpretation, 2018. ArXiv preprint \myehost{arXiv:1803.07919}}, }