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All the standard math commands in LATEX will work fine and can be used in Neptune. Inline math commands ($ and \(/\)) have the very same functionality without any differences.

The displayed equation environments of $$, \[/\], {equation}, {eqnarray}, {align}, {gather}, {aligned}, {gathered}, {alignat}, {multline}, and all their starred variants have the very same functionality. Various kinds of fractions, square roots, matrices and commutative diagrams of amsmath can also be used without any fear of misfiring.

The functionality associated with complex math commands derived from xypic, tikz, and the like will also work fine, provided the packages are loaded in the preamble of the document if not done previously.

However, a small change that has been introduced to augment XML generation from newly inserted author code is the change of \label{...} to \xlabel{...}. A few examples are given hereunder:

For single line displayed equation, the syntax is:

     (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

On the contrary, if the displayed equation is multi-lined, the syntax takes the form:

     (a+b)^2 & = a^2 + 2ab + b^2\\
     (a-b)^2 & = a^2 - 2ab + b^2

If an equation with a custom equation number like $x_1^2$ is to be inserted, here is the way:

     (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2